School Tour! 

We really enjoyed our school tour to Westport where we did lots of activities such as high ropes course, leap of faith, archery, archery tag, kayaking, water park and crab fishing! Have a look at our pictures to see what we got up to! 

Goodnight Mr Tom

In class over the last few weeks we have been reading the novel ‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ which links in with our theme of World War II.  We all really enjoyed the story and the characters, especially Tom and William.  We carried out lots of different writing activities based on the story including a book review, comparing and contrasting the movie and the book, a newspaper report, a letter from William to his mother after arriving in Little Weirwold and a diary entry from Mrs Beech after she collected William from the train.  Here is a sample of our work!

World War II

This term we have been learning about World War II in History and all the different people, countries and hardship that were involved.  We also integrated it with Art, Geography and English to get a better understanding and we thought it was a very interesting topic.  Here is some of the work that we carried out!

Sow and Grow

There was great excitement when our innocent Sow and Grow packs arrived and we set to work planting our cress, pumpkin and courgette seeds.  We will look after them in the classroom for the next few weeks and then mind them over the summer and hopefully will have pumpkins and courgettes to harvest in the autumn!